Common Training Mistakes

Common Training Mistakes

Every coach, newspaper, and “athlete expert” has their own view on the most common training blunders to avoid. 1. A lack of periodization in training Starting a race-specific training program without first establishing a foundation of basic fitness is akin to building a home on sand or on an unsteady foundation. Similarly, instead of following…

Exercise & Stress

Exercise and Stress

Exercise, in almost any form, can aid in relaxation. Activeness can make you feel better by producing feel-good endorphins and diverting your attention away from your issues. You’re aware that exercise is beneficial to your health, but you’re too busy and stressed to incorporate it into your daily routine. Wait a minute, there’s some positive…

Basketball Academy and SKILL DIFFERENTIATION, read about it. It's useful for students and parents. Hangtime Basketball Academy - Kerim Erkan


SKILL DIFFERENTIATION Differentiation is constantly assessing students and designing instruction accordingly. You teach students with different learning modes and a variety of instruction and complexity. It’s a student-centered classroom, in which you respond to where kids are and provide choices and flexibility. There are many ways to differentiate: By Readiness: Who is ready to move…