How to stay fit during holidays

Making time for exercise is generally a difficult chore, but it becomes even more challenging during the holiday season. It’s quite tempting to overindulge in holiday treats and abandon your fitness goals from Thanksgiving to Christmas and New Year’s. Many of us gain weight and are out of shape by the time the new year arrives. That doesn’t have to be the case. There are a few simple things you can do to stay fit throughout the holidays while still enjoying the festivities.

1. Make time for exercise

Let’s face it, the holiday season is really hectic. When you schedule time for exercise in your calendar, it’s more likely to happen, much like when you book time for a work meeting or holiday shopping. Examine your upcoming week to determine the best times to exercise, such as early in the morning before the day gets away from you.

2. Discover different ways to stay active

There are other ways to stay active that don’t require a traditional workout. When shopping for the holidays, park a little further away from the mall so you have to walk more. Instead of taking the elevator, take the steps. Wrap up warm and go on a walk with your family to admire the lights. Make physical activity a part of your holiday celebrations.

3. It’s better to squeeze in some activity than none at all

Don’t avoid exercising because you can’t find time to go to the gym. A brief workout is preferable to none at all. Even 10 minutes of physical activity per day should suffice. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a terrific technique to get good exercise in a short amount of time. (Will be discussed in another blog)

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4. Exercise with a pal

One of the most difficult aspects of committing to fitness is staying motivated, especially throughout the winter and around the holidays. When you’re alone, it’s easier to put something off until later. If you incorporate a friend into your exercise routine, you will be more likely to persist with it. Take a fitness class together, go for a quick walk, whatever it takes to get you moving.

5. Drink plenty of water and eat healthily

Eating healthy is an important aspect of staying in shape. You don’t have to give up all of your favorite holiday delicacies; just keep track of your portion sizes. When and where you can, try to sneak in some vegetables. Drink a lot of water. Before you go to that Christmas party, eat a modest snack so you don’t arrive hungrily and make poor decisions.

6. Set goals, keep track of your progress, and reward yourself

Keeping track of your progress has never been easier thanks to technological improvements such as fitness trackers and calorie counters. Setting objectives and challenges, as well as a reward system, will keep you accountable and help you achieve your fitness goals.

In conclusion, holidays are a challenging period of time when it comes to keeping up with your fitness goals. However, by preparing yourself mentally and planning out your holiday strategically, you will be able to at least maintain your overall health. Taking small steps like the ones mentioned will go a long way!

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